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Brownie Flash IV

Kodak Brownie Flash IV Camera

Type: Box rollfilm
Introduced: Sept 1957
Discontinued: 1959
Film size: 620
Picture size: 2 1/4 X 3 1/4"
Manufactured: UK
Lens: Kodet f/14 with close-up lens
Shutter: Single blade
Numbers made: ?
Original price: ?

This deluxe metal body Brownie camera has an attractive light brown leatherette covering and gilt metalwork. It features two brilliant finders, a yellow cloud filter, and a tripod socket. It also has a shutter lock, a cable release socket and time exposure capability.

Fun Facts:
The Brownie Flash IV is a deluxe version of the Brownie Flash III camera and is great for nightime and long exposure work because of the tripod socket and cable release.

BCG Film and Photography

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